I first was going to call this, “The Loft.” That name wasn’t available, which is typical when searching domain names. So, I appended loft with tc and added apostrophe s, making it possessive, and here is T.C.’s Loft.

I know, fascinating, huh? The idea for this website came to me in Dec. of 2023 as I was seeing that so much in the news is really half-baked or so opinionated that it clouds the basics. The basics being human nature, a thing we are all susceptible to. It is human nature to see and form opinions based on what we hear about others. Color, to me, is not a defining definition of a person. I suppose the one good thing that comes from combat, Vietnam type combat, is that you get the chance to throw out misconceptions learned while growing up. Misconceptions like a race is this or that, usually with a negative connotation. Lazy, dumb, hood-winkers, etc. It was here that I learned the worth of another human being and I took that lesson all through my life and up to the age I am now, seventy-six.

I am old but still spry and my love of the human race comes from lots of rather difficult experiences. Experiences like death of friends and colleagues. Disease or mishap that took many undeserving with an early death or a bullet delivered by an enemy rifle, grenade or machine gun. It is what is called, “sorting by a meat grinder.” Not pretty, dreams are terrible and a sullen nature abides in the heart for years after. This is what I come here with except that it is now hazy through all the time that has passed, And that is a good thing.

What I find most disturbing is how the politics of America has been desecrated by the Democrat party, of which I was one, years ago. I quit that party in 1968, the year I was drafted and remained apolitical the rest of my life. In part, this took place due to my studying the Bible. I learned the lesson that God and politics do not mix due to the fact that this world is not the way God first intended for it to be, with mankind in charge. With parties political and governments of men and everywhere we look is impending death now. It is wrong to its very core and nature and we are all beginning to understand this now. Or, so it is written that a few, at least, would see the handwriting on the wall and comprehend the time of mankind, the end of our independence from God.

What I am bringing here is another way of looking at our world. A world spinning out of control, as it is written it would. Human kind has painted itself into a corner with the advent of thermonuclear weapons and governments willing to kill its citizens for disagreeing with their government. We know that this has always been but the world is now one whereas before it was small nations spread apart by oceans and distances of hundreds or thousands of miles. We are at the crux of prophecy and this should be understood but, of course, it is only by a few. If I can enlighten another few then I have done the job I took on. If not, well, it’s kind of the way of the world, as mankind’s world, has always been, with a fatal disease due to a fatal flaw in our genetics: imperfection. That’s the way of it, like it or not.

Start date for this world mess: 1914, the First World War. Think on it.

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