Tone It Down

I want to bring the fire down a bit here. There is far more to life than worrying about if it will be a good life, a free life, or life in a Gulag. (Gulag=prison and torture as a norm) No, everything is pretty much synced up now for a laugh a minute as life goes on. I find these times both amazing and disappointing.

Amazing as Scripture delineates our times verbatim. Disappointing as human beings never learn. Oh, of course some do but most just want a selfie to put on social media. Welcome to the age of computer generated dunderheads. Social media is like a mirror you spend too much time in front of. I dumped all of it around six years ago because I could find nothing on it to learn. Learn anything except that human nature is boringly repetitious.

You like social media? Go for it. For me, though, I’d seen enough human nature in war and that is ultimately where all disagreements wind up: fighting over borders, mores, or lousy customer service. Don’t cut in line for goodness sake! You’ll get there eventually and in the meantime you can consider what it is to be quiet and thoughtful for an hour or so. You might even be able to catch a nap, if you can sleep standing on your feet.

Oh, don’t worry, you’ll figure out that I am heading in a direction with all this. It’s just that there is so much scenery to look at while we drive. Don’t you love watching volcanoes erupt? from a distance?

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