
There are myriad reasons that people build and maintain websites. In case that isn’t obvious I built this one to write about stuff. “Stuff” being what I think about what other’s think and I find that many others do not think overmuch. Instead they let others do the thinking for them and, like cattle or sheep, are then driven in the direction that others want them to go. Call me an outlander if that meets your criteria for one who thinks on his own. You can call me anything you like if “outlander” sounds to much like a TV series. I don’t particularly care what people I cannot hear call me.

As to thinking on my own I kind of had to start doing that when I got my draft notice in 1967. Yeah, I dang near got drafted so I had no choice except the U.S. Army, rice paddies and a bullet between the eyes. Thinking for myself I joined the U.S. Navy to the bored look of, “who cares” from my parents. If they were concerned about my being sent to Vietnam they had a funny way of showing it. Still, it was the separation I needed to begin using my own wits to get along with life on my terms. I never looked back. I am not a joiner of anything anymore. I go my own way and am shut of all else such as parties, reunions, more than one friend. In other words, I am on my own but for my wife and children, who are adults now, and my computers.

Reasons for doing, TC’s Loft, are basically just to allow myself to write about current events and put my take online without a bunch of white noise. It is difficult in the times that I don’t feel like writing anything but want to give my readers a reason to come back here. Last week and up through today I have been fighting my first bout with Covid and forced myself to place my mind somewhere else by attending to this responsibility. Nobody ever said life was a slippy slide. I have coughed and sneezed my way back into the saddle to resurrect this website and am glad I did.

It may be that some will wonder if I am “all there.” No, I have never been “all there.” In the sense of caring for other people I have always been “all there” but in the way of this world I am rarely “all there.” I have forsaken the meat of this world now since the 1970s when I got back to reading the Bible. The more I studied the more I understood that the world is on its way to ruin and all the signs are there as written. Whether I write of any of this here I have not decided but may very well jot down a note or two. If you want to comment you can use the form which is part and parcel of this software after each page and article. If you’re curious about the Bible, and you should be if you’re paying attention, ask your question using the same forms and I will answer you.

Lastly, I wish all my readers safety and love and peace. the fact that I go on and on about politics is kind of an outlet for me as I don’t take this world too seriously. Some will say I should but God says to be no part of this world, especially in these times. God is that final answer you’re trying to find and He awaits you. You will find naught but dead ends asking questions about this world of ours. Ask questions of God and you will be quite surprised when He pushes you in the right direction to find your answer. I know I was surprised as all get out. Yet, here I am, still living and breathing after all these years.

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TC's Loft