Just Chuckle

History is repetitious which means that nothing major is ever solved or, if solved, it is a temporary fix, rather like wrapping duct tape around a blown out radiator hose. You’re going to have to replace it every five miles. I know this quite well! Any port in a storm though, right? This just means that we need to temper our expectations of one another. The sooner we do this the sooner we can look at ourselves in the mirror with a clean conscience. Another way to express this is: “Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed.”

I need to go back in time to a period before you were born. This is not an old man going on and on though I do tend to have to watch that tendency from time to time. I try to always remember what I criticized others for so that I don’t end up a hypocrite. There’s nothing worse than a hypocrite and even the Bible notes this more than once.

Atmospheric Testing

I grew up in the childhood of the atomic age. Nuclear weapons were in their infancy as was the atmospheric testing of same. It was a time when mining Uranium was going strong and those who did this were getting wealthy and nobody had a good idea of what the outcome of this nonsense would portend. It was the painting into the proverbial corner of myself and all who lived anywhere near the testing sites of atomic bombs. We were not going to get away from it Scott free. Those miners and their families eventually got cancer and died. Died at too young an age and that was something our government decided needed hiding from the public also. How much radiation we received is unknown and never released to any of us by our government. Thus far, I am free of cancer but, then again, tomorrow is another day. At this point I have other things to worry about and one is the saving of America which is part of the reason I resurrected this website.

Then came Vietnam and I volunteered to go because I was sick of school, had left college and got my draft notice. I told you about this but it is the sequence which I find interesting. The ship I was assigned to carried nuclear warheads so there I was again in the vicinity of radiation. It is kind of interesting how history repeats and we usually think of this as a problem for the world all together but it is a personal problem for many who do not learn from their own mistakes. Some refuse to learn and that is the problem with socialism. It never works in any form, title, or place it is tried. A pox upon its cankerous head. It is the dumb yet recognized repetition of imperfect human beings with skulls thick enough to shield their brains from radiation sickness.

There is nothing to shield us from the sickness of the socialist brain though. Nothing except our wits and an understanding of history. When colleges teach false history it is tougher to get a cure as young people who enjoy their professors take what their professors say as gospel. Problem is, the gospel is true and the professors are false to their witness. It is a thing as old as mankind. Tell them what they want to hear and they will follow. Trout fishing, anyone?

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