You Know?

It isn’t this way, but it sure seems that if it doesn’t get this way, all hell is going to break loose. I make no apologies for being a Christian and I know very well that some organizations, in the name of Christianity, have done some pretty horrible things going back centuries. These things broke the Ten Commandments which is an affront to God directly. These same organizations are as much real estate brokers as they are religious and the two just don’t mix.

Years, no decades, ago I broke from one of these real estate moguls and went totally into the Bible. This has been a lot of work not to mention false feelings of guilt for leaving that church. I got over that finally but not without a ton of prayer. It all sounds kind of old fashioned doesn’t it. Church, the Bible, prayer et al?

I do not know when the end of all this will come but the signs are all here on this world. I hold myself quiet about prophesy because I am not smart enough to predict my next meal much less what God is going to do. I do worship Him, His Son and all He tells me to worship. This only means I discount rocks, carved wood, buildings, men, women etc. and that meant a lot of repair to a life gone pretty sour over the years after Vietnam. There wasn’t much I held back from and that just about got me killed.

I shook very bad habits and only then did I begin writing about God because I didn’t feel worthy before. I still don’t, but if I don’t, who will? I’m no prophet, saint, priest, Rabbi or anything other than a guy who learned to read and enjoys the heck out of reading. Then I began writing and decided to join the two together. College and lit courses were far too long ago to be of help when I decided to do this. Not much stops me if it makes a lick of sense so here I am.

To finish this run on thought, God is not happy with the nations of the world. He states this quite plainly in Revelations. You know who is responsible for this crud we are going through don’t you? God’s opposite but if you don’t believe in one you don’t believe in the other so there you are in this world going to someplace that God did not create this world to go to. He is angry and that should alarm you. At least Noah listened to Him. Oh yeah, you’re to high brow to believe in Noah either. You’re about to find out though. Times a wastin’!

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Tone It Down Election It Ain’t Unnatural
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