It Ain’t Unnatural

The actual difference, other than skin color, that makes the difference between human beings is action. Skin color never has been any real difference. It never will be. Rather, it is the demonstrable action of one human being to another that makes the difference. I learned this the hard way as a young man in combat. That experience changed me forever and I would not repeat what I did there even at the cost of my life. Life is very, very short ut you have to have lived to my age to fully understand this concept. Or, you can ask the parents of a childhood cancer victim.

Like it or not, life does suck due to one persons actions against another person and that begins in childhood. Now, attempting to halt these actions is like trying to fill buckets to empty the ocean. Good luck with that.

It is built into us and life is the time we spend trying to alter that tendency. How many times have you wanted to punch someone in the nose but refrained? It is built in and is due to our imperfect nature. Throw one of those “ocean” buckets on psychology because all we can do to alleviate that tendency is to apply self-discipline.

I always try to say, “thank you,” both to my wife and to my children for even the tiniest gesture of kindness and helpfulness. Do it enough and disagreements become more rare as there is a comfort level that a thank you allows to grow. Forgiveness is the other aspect that bats 1000+. It is the opposite of thank you as you, me, or Charles Mac Nab down the street need forgiveness and when it is a spoken apology it does two things: It acknowledges our imperfection and smooths the road which was due to get rocky if left untended. It ain’t unnatural to screw up, it is par for the course but how it is handled makes the difference, again, not skin color. We bleed the same color and that is my observation garnered in paragraph one. It is always the “hard way,” is life. The easy way is the road to nothingness. (There is no “hell.”) God is a loving God, he said, throwing in a bit of his belief system.

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