A Hiatus

A few months ago I took TC’s Loft down as I was busier than a guy my age expects to be. A number of things needed to be handled and they would not wait for my convenience. Actually, nothing seems to wait for a convenient time to be handled for any of us.

I dislike not attending to things I’ve started so I chose to take this website down with every intention of putting it back online as soon as possible. One thing led to another and now it is all done! This had to do with remodeling and making changes to our old house which was built the year I was born: 1948. Now the house is in better shape than I am so it all worked out in favor of my lovely wife. She gets a newly spiffed up place to live and I get to rebuild this website back here in my designated space. Designated by the boss and that’s fine with me.

I took that hiatus only after having had both eyes operated on which meant I could get a driver’s license again, a thing I’ve not gotten to yet so my Jeep sits with new tires and nothing to do but wait for me to get my act together. Waiting for me to get my act together would shut down a theater but to begin I put this website back up.

So, here we go and I am loaded for bear.

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TC's Loft