Being White

I come from a long line of white people. I rather like being white as I know of no other way to be alive. I certainly can wish I were another color but reality is always the final arbiter is it not? This all means that I was born and raised as a white person so I do not owe anyone an apology for being white. I am also part Cherokee but you wouldn’t know from looking at me. No, white is all I have to show a person in public and that has been enough, for the most part.

Being white is not a fault nor is it any different than being another color. Character is the aspect of being human that makes the difference and people who berate other people due to their skin tone will be judged by God. The unfortunate aspect of this is that not believing in God allows such leeway that judging people by their skin color becomes accepted in small groups. It is generally not accepted unless a person of any color harms another person.

To me this is quite simple and straightforward. It is not because I am a genius that I feel this way but rather the fact that I fought with people of all different colors and learned the merits through life and death situations that I came to see that we are all the same, given the chance. A pox on progressives for making race a weapon to suit their need to separate populations. A person who has a good heart is never a racist because a person with a good heart stays within the boundaries as set up in the Bible. those who call themselves, “Christian,” but act unlike the Bible tells them to act are subject to judgement. I want no part of judgement for the reasons of separation other than that of believers and non-believers. I have enough history to repent from as it is.

Have a wonderful day of not hating any but those who attempt to divide us. Kamala!

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